"Placido ILLIANO"
GRANT 2024
The application is now closed
The BraYn Association will grant an award in memory of Placido Illiano, to qualified young researchers who wish to pursue a short-term research stay in a different laboratory or attend a scientific or practical course (not a congress or conference) in Italy or abroad.
Financial support (up to € 500, based on receipts) can be used to cover travel costs, accommodation and registration fees (for courses or schools).
Eligibility criteria
• PhD students;
• Postdocs under the age of 40.
The applicant must be a member of the BraYn Association before applying to the BTTG (go to Membership page).
The application must be submitted before the visiting period and must contain the following documents:
• short cover letter with contact data and motivation to attend the course/school/visit to another lab; in case of a visit to another lab: an acceptance letter from the host Institution; in case of course/school: the information (e.g. website, flyer) related to the chosen experience;
• 1-page CV;
• list of publications;
• one letter of recommendation.
Incomplete or late (after the deadline) applications will NOT be considered for selection.
Applications should be sent by email at:
The deadline is April 30, 2024, 11.59 pm (CET). The event for which the call is being made must necessarily take place between May 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. The Executive Board of the BraYn Association will evaluate the applications, and the winners will be acknowledged by May 31, 2024.

The BraYn Association Ets has established the BraYn Trainee Travel Grant in memory of Placido Illiano.
Placido was a brilliant young neuroscientist working at the University of Miami. After attending the first two BraYn editions, he embraced the BraYn project and joined our team, thus contributing to the success of BraYn 2020 and 2021.
We will never forget his wonderful smile, his enthusiasm, and his commitment to science, as well as his help in improving the quality and excellence of the BraYn conference. He will always be remembered by those who knew him as a caring, friendly and hard-working man. With this grant, Placido will be forever engraved in our collective memory.